Market season to end Sept. 8
posted by SPD Communications on August 29, 2016 in Market![Honey](
The schedule for the 2016 Statehouse Market season has been updated. The final markets this season occur on September 1 and September 8. The final four weeks of the original schedule are canceled due to a shortage of available produce vendors and a scheduling conflict September 15 at White River State Park.
This was not an easy decision. We apologize to the vendors and food trucks that are scheduled for the affected dates. Also a special thanks to those customers, vendors and trucks that have stuck with us this season.
We’d like to thank White River State Park for allowing us to host the event in the park this season. In 2017, the Statehouse Market returns to the newly designed Robert D. Orr Plaza (in-between the Indiana Government Center buildings).
Ashley, Jeff, Melissa and Josh
Statehouse Market